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TXT 400mg 10ml (XT Labs)

TXT 400 XT Labs (4-Blends of Testosterone)400mg 10ml 

It is an ideal product for both beginners and experienced users of anabolic steroids and hormones. It is very effective in steroid cycles of different durations because the various esters mean that it remains active in the body for a long time and keeps the testosterone level at its peak for an extended period.
It is an excellent raw mass former and is most commonly used in charge cycles to facilitate impressive results. Used alone, it is an extremely anabolic substance, although it can be combined with other steroids for even better results.
It is one of the best compounds that exist for weight gain and strength since it contains a mixture of (propionate, cypionate and enanthate) having a fast, medium and long-term effect of between 3 and 4 days and has a long life in the blood, up to 4 weeks with cypionate and 8 weeks with enanthate.
This product is a mixture of 3 components of testosterone that works very positively when mixed with each other, generating very good gains and with little water retention.
Testosterone Propionate............. 25 mg.
Testosterone cypionate............... 187 mg.
Enanthate Testosterone......................188 mg.
Very high doses can be covered, it works very well with few mL of 300 – 500 mg per week. The main advantage of this conversion is that it has been effective in continuous use or repetitive use in reasonable doses.
The Test – 400 is a mixture of three testosterones (propionate, cypionate and enanthate) with which you can optimize your growth process and is able to convert into estrogen easily, to neutralize these effects it is necessary the correct use of a post cycle. In the same way it can be mixed with a product with low water retention such as stanozolol, trenbolone or nandrolone to obtain the desired effect. Taking an antiestrogen such as Tamoxifen or Arimidex will give a hardness effect to the muscle and thus avoid unwanted effects. This makes it a favorite steroid to use during mass and recovery cycles.
For periods of growth it can be combined with trenbolone, boldenone or nandrolone, achieving the expected results in terms of mass and strength. It is clear to warn that a cycle with this steroid should not exceed 12 weeks and the result would be even better if a formal cycle is made.
  • Use some liver protector.
  • It is essential to start from a complete hematology to see if you are prepared for a therapy or cycle with testosterone.
  • Hematology results may vary after the cycle.
  • It is necessary to do post-cycle.
  • Do not use for more than 8-10 or 12 weeks.
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